I am Awesome!
Empowerment retreat for 2SLGBTQ+ Youth & Friends
Empowerment Begins in Community.
If only there was a safe & amazing place where 2SLGBTQ+ Youth & Friends could go to belong in a community that celebrated who they are, and enabled them to live life without worrying about how society thinks they should be. If only there was a place where folks who are queer or gender minorities left feeling confident, supported, informed, and ready to meet the world with the knowledge that they are awesome…
I know a place like that.
After great success running this retreat in 2022, 2023, and 2024, we are thrilled to be running it again on June 13-15, 2025!
Our I AM AWESOME retreat is hosted by Camp Menesetung, an Overnight Summer Camp located 5 minutes north of Goderich, ON. a place committed to creating community and eliminating barriers.
This retreat is going to be amazing, and heavily subsidized thanks to the support of donors and sponsors.
Imagine meeting new friends in a safe space, hanging out at the campfire, playing games, use our climbing wall and archery range with trained instructors, enjoying life on the beach, great food, and attending informative workshops led by people who are 2SLGBTQ+, offering practical advice and information to healthy living as a queer, trans, or non-binary person living in a rural area, and how to support them as a friend.
This retreat is being planned by a committee of 2SLGBTQ+ Leaders in the area, including those with summer camp backgrounds, and those with professional experience supporting those within the 2SLGBTQ+ spectrum.
Stay tuned for more details as our planning takes shape! Hope to see you there!
2025 COST: $85*
Includes Meals, Snacks, a weekend specific T-Shirt, and Tax!
*This rate is heavily subsidized thanks to the support of our donors, the retreat will cost the camp approximately $150/participant, but you only need to contribute $85!
DATES: June 13-15th, 2025
AGES: 13-20
Time: Friday 6pm
Sign-Out Time: Sunday 2pm
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! In addition to our I Am Awesome Weekend, this year we will also be running a Sunday-Friday overnight camp in July specifically for 2SLGBTQIA+ Youth, Friends, & kids from 2SLGBTQIA+ Families! We are calling this week ‘Menesetung Pride Week’ - we hope you can join us! Invite your friends!
Calling Huron/Perth/Bruce County 2SLGBTQ+ Adults!
In an effort to build community and create an opportunity for local 2SLGBTQ+ Youth to meet and connect with 2SLGBTQ+ Adults, as part of our retreat weekend, we are extending an invitation for adults to join us for a Saturday Dinner, Talent/Drag Show (as an audience member or participant!), and Adults only Campfire. Saturday, June 14th, 2024.
Suggested Donation to cover the cost of food: $15
Please RSVP by sending us an email with your name and any dietary needs: office@campmenesetung.ca | 519 524 6497
Adult Itinerary:
6-7pm: Dinner
7-8pm: Facilitated conversation with queer youth & adults
8-9pm: Drag show at the campfire (including guest performers!)
9-10pm: Adults only campfire!
All the cabins we will be using for this retreat have bathrooms and electricity! When you register, you will be provided options for cabin preference: Mixed Gender, Girls Cabin, or Boys Cabin
No you don’t! Friends and allies are also welcome to attend.
Absolutely! This retreat is for you! Finding community is hard in a rural area: you are not alone!
More details and a packing list will be sent out in advance of the retreat. All you need to bring are clothes, bedding/sleeping bag, toiletries etc.!