Club Menesetung: Connected

Club Menesetung Summer 2020 Update!

Our Summer Season has begun! Which means that Club Menesetung is currently paused while our team runs Camp Menesetung @ Home. We hope you will join us this summer!

We had an incredible 10 weeks of Club Menesetung this Spring, and hope to keep it alive in some form next year, whether as an in-person or online club.

In the meantime, feel free to check out some of the videos that we made for our club YouTube channel! So much fun stuff!

What is Club Menesetung: Connected?

A free online spring community for campers & families to engage with their camp friends, get inspired with camp staff, and make this time of physical distancing a time rich with social connection.

The club is currently based out of a Facebook Group & Email List, with events taking place on a variety of platforms including: ZOOM meetups, our Club YouTube Channel, and Facebook/Instagram LIVE.

Who is able to join?

Club Menesetung is open to anyone! Whether they were a past camper or a new friend - all are welcome! Our programming is currently geared towards camper age kids (6-16).

Who is running it?

Club Menesetung is run by an enthusiastic team of our summer camp staff & alumni volunteers - signing up to help make life awesome for our campers at home!

How can I sign up my camper(s)?

Since our club is currently paused, we are not accepting new members at this time.